Is it possible to heal COVID with spiritual healing? Or is there a method to speed up the recovery after one got infected?
In the past weeks and months we have had several cases of COVID in the families of members and students of the German Daoist Association. With a specific Spiritual Healing Ritual practice Liu Shifu helped the infected patients to recover faster without severe cases or any symptoms at all. We had great results after only a few days of using the ritual on the patients.
“For a period of several days I created Holy Medicine during the Daoist ritual. 圣药 Shèng Yào is the term used to describe holy medicine and in this case the Spiritual Healing through the 三光 Sān guāng, Great Light of Sun, Moon and Heaven. I use a secret incantation to receive the spirit of the deities to empower the Holy Water and assist healing the infected and speed up recovery of the COVID patients.“ Liu Shifu says.

Feedback from a few patients:
„I got various pre-exsiting illnesses like allergies and heart condition. Liu Shifu did the healing ritual for several days after I told him i was infected. Everyone in my family was affraid of a heavy course the disease could take with my pre-conditions, but I trust the Daoist spiritual healing and it worked well.“, Gabe said.
„After I got infected in school and tested positive on Monday, I asked Liu Shifu for help and he promised to do start the healing ritual on the next day for the next three days. I felt very light and other than my classmates I wasn´t sleepy at all and had not symptoms. After 3 days I tested negative and I believe the healing ritual did work well.“ ,Yufang said.
The ritual and holy incantation will be introduced to you in the upcoming online event. See below.
Our goal is to support everyone during the pandemic and help those suffer from COVID or have cases in their families and friends.
What kind of Method we use?
When creating holy water, so called 三光神水 Sān guāng shén shuǐ (Three Lights Holy Water) the priest empowers the water with Spiritual Healing Power.
Water can be „programmed“ to carry spiritual healing energy and if given to patients it can support the healing process immensely. It can also be used in other ways, to expel evil, cleaning bad energies, etc.
The Holy Water can be given to the patients directly or is delivered over long-distance through Qi-Energy transmission during the ritual. This ritual can prevent a hard course during the infection and leave even patients with pre-existing illnesses with no or only light symptoms.
Additional to the holy water, we can use a special Talisman ritual to empower the method and support the healing process even more. This Talisman can be introduced on demand, if you face severe cases of COVID. Please contact us for further advice.
How to Practice?
In order to learn and practice this method of Holy Water and Spiritual Ritual we have to prepare only a few things.
We need to find a good place to practice and about one hour of time. Sitting or kneeling comfortable. A cup of water is placed in front of us to use for the practice.
In order to receive the transmission a Daoist practitioner has to „皈依三宝 Guī yī sān bǎo“, convert to Daoism and the Three Treasures (三宝 Sān Bǎo). The Three Treasures are 道 Dào, 经 Jīng and 师 Shī, which means the Dao, the Scriptures and the Master. The Three Treasures are represented by the 三清 Sān qīng „Three Clearities“ ; 元始天尊 Yuánshǐ tiānzūn,灵宝天尊 Líng bǎo tiānzūn,道德天尊 Dàodé tiānzūn as highest deities.
This healing method from Far-East is transmitted by a Master from 武当山清微派 Wudang Qing Wei Pai and the Chairman of the German Daoist Association, Daoist Liu.
We introduce the practice method of Holy Water and Spiritual Ritual to the public during the Online Live-Event.
From 10th April 2022 to 13th April 2022, daily at 4pm (16h) Berlin Time (UTC+2),
[7am LA Time (UTC-7), 10am NY Time (UTC-4), 5pm(17h) Moscow Time (UTC +3)] we will have a LIVE-Stream Event.
Participating this Online event is FREE. Please invite all people needing this practice.
Follow this Link to register:
You will receive a confirmation Email with details of the Live-Event
Liu Shifu will give a detailed introduction and guide the practice. It is important to practice for several days to have good results.
- Participants practice in a quiet place without interruption for about 1 hour.
- use a Cup of Water to empower the water and use it as Holy Medicine
- need to believe in Daoism and the Daoist Deities, either converted or willing to do so, to receive the power to heal.
German Daoist Association
If you have good results from the practice and want to support us, you can give a donation to financially support our projects.
The German Daoist Association is a NON-Profit organization registered in Germany with the goal of introducing and spreading Daoism, Daoist Practices and Culture in Germany, Europe and the the rest of the World.
– Our permanent projects are supporting those in need with food, clothing and other necessities.
– Building a Daoist-Center in the heart of Europe with Temple Hall, Daoist College, Training Hall, Tea-House and Tea-Garden.
– Translations, printing and sending scriptures around the globe, to those want to learn Daoism.
We appreciate any support to bring benefits to the world. All donations will be named if not wished otherwise.
Please follow this link to DONATEor contact us for details.